Magnetic Resonance Imaging, is available in our office for your convenience.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a test that provides pictures of structures and organs inside the body. A magnetic field and pulses of radio wave energy produce these pictures. MRI often provides information that cannot be obtained from X-ray tests.
The area of the body being tested is positioned inside a strong magnetic field. The MRI can detect infection, tumors and other types of tissue disease and damage as well as diagnose conditions that affect blood flow. Organs and tissues that contain water provide the most detailed MRI pictures. MRI is therefore most useful for detecting conditions that increase the amount of fluid in a tissue, such as inflammation, infections, tumors and internal bleeding. MRI scan information can be saved and stored on a computer for further study.
An MRI test usually takes 30-60 minutes.
Allow 2 hours for the test.
You will feel no discomfort from the magnetic field or radio waves used during the test.
However, the table may feel hard, the room may be chilly and you may feel uncomfortable lying in one position for a long time.
Complete results are usually available within 1-2 days.